Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης

Study in Canada, THIC Scholarship Program 2024-2025

Study in Canada, THIC Scholarship Program 2024-2025
Application Deadline March 15, 2024
THI Canada Launches Scholarship Program for Greek Students to Study in Canada
The Hellenic Initiative Canada (THI Canada) recently launched its scholarship program for Greek students, living in Greece, to study in Canada. THI Canada will award two scholarships of $10,000 CAD each for eligible students admitted to a graduate program (Master’s) at a Canadian university for the 2024-2025 academic year.
THI Canada was pleased to work with the Embassy of Canada in Athens to launch the Scholarship Program on May 10, 2023. The reception was hosted by Ambassador Anna-Karine Asselin who expressed her appreciation for this initiative, noting that “the THI Canada scholarship program is an excellent initiative that will allow Greek students to experience Canada’s world-class education system and bring back to Greece a wealth of knowledge and expertise.”
The scholarships will be awarded to outstanding graduate students with a passion for their field of study. Priority will be given to students in areas of study that are in demand in the workforce in Greece, in areas of leading-edge technologies or in specialized fields that address current and future needs. To assist in efforts to reverse the brain drain, priority will also be given to students who intend to return to Greece upon completion of their studies. To that end, THI Canada will also work with partners in Greece and Canada to provide training and work experience for students returning to Greece to contribute to the growth, prosperity, and well-being of Greek society.
To apply for the THI Canada Scholarship Program, applicants must be Greek citizens residing in Greece, accepted into a graduate university program in Canada, and hold a minimum of 8 out of 10 grade point average from an undergraduate university program. For more information on the criteria and eligibility and to apply for the scholarship, visit THI Canada website at https://ca.thehellenicinitiative.org/thic-scholarship-application-form/
Contact Information
Natasha Bourliaskou, The Hellenic Initiative Canada
+1 (416) 372-7324

The Hellenic Initiative Canada Scholarship Application Form

  • Λήξη Υποβολής: 15 Μαρτίου 2025

    Τοποθεσία: Εξωτερικό